Friday, April 3, 2009

Big Mouth Go to Iran

This is a transcript that is not on This is what the Iranaian were not pleased about. It wasn't what Roxana said. It was what the three stooges said after Roxana gave her update.

From Fox News Channel - The Big Story with John Gibson

Byline: John Gibson, Roxana Saberi, Heather Nauert, Andrew Napolitano

GIBSON: Stop me if you have heard this one before. International watchdogs asking for more access to a suspected illegal weapons program much. This time it's Iran. Joining us by phone from the capital city of Tehran, reporter Roxana Saberi. Roxana, Mohammed ElBaradei is inspecting Iran's, or taking a look at Iran's nuclear facilities, what is he saying now about what he wants from Iran?

ROXANA SABERI, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Well, John, ElBaradei was in Tehran today. And he held a number of talks with some Iranian leaders. And he has said that he wants Iran's nuclear energy program to be more transparent and eventually for Iran to sign up for stricter inspections of its facilities. Out of these talks from today, ElBaradei and Iran did not agree on if Iran's nuclear facilities would be submitted to stricter inspections. But they basically decided to hold more talks about it. His agency, the International Atomic Energy Agency, has called for Iran to sign up to this something called additional protocol, which would open up its nuclear sites to stricter inspections, in part to counter worries that some countries have that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons. Iran has said it might consider this additional protocol in return for certain concessions, such as help with nuclear technology for peaceful uses - John.

GIBSON: Roxana, why does Iran want nuclear power when it is so energy rich? What is the rationale for going to the expense and the trouble of building nuclear power plants when oil and gas is abundant?

SABERI: It does have a lot of oil and gas, but for a couple of reasons. It says it wants to use its oil and gas for other purposes as well. And it wants an alternative source of energy, so it does not rely solely on oil and gas. And also, Iranian (UNINTELLIGIBLE) have argued that these plans, for example, the nuclear plant in Ducher (ph) had begun before the Islamic revolution, which was in 1979 with the support of Western countries. So they say what's wrong with doing it now? We have planned it before.

GIBSON: Roxana, before I let you go, big protest at the universities, government responding. What is going on with the protesters in the street?

SABERI: Yes, it is the fourth anniversary of a big student protest that turned violent when hard line (ph) vigilantes cracked down on some student protesters, as I said four years ago. And last month in June, too, there were a number of protests led by students. They also spread to the general population. And those were quelled also by law enforcement and also the hard line Islamic vigilantes. Tonight, a number of people did come out on to the street. What I saw, a lot of people were in cars honking their horns in protest. There was a lot of security. You have these plainclothes hard lined Islamic vigilantes, and you have the law enforcement as well. So, it's uncertain whether or not this will continue, but tonight it did start once again - John.

GIBSON: Roxana Saberi in Tehran. Roxana, thank you very much Iran offering to send home some Iraqis who have been living in their country, even giving them cash for walking around money. But this free ticket home comes with a little payback.

Our Heather Nauert is here to explain how that works.

NAUERT: That's right, John. New reports coming out of Iran suggest that religious students may be offered up to $300 apiece, that's roughly equivalent to two months' worth of salary, to go into Iraq and preach a radical version of Islam. Their message is rabidly anti-American and could serve to further destabilize Iraq. The U.S. government is keeping an eye on Iranian attempts to influence the majority Shiites in Iraq. The overarching concern that Iran is working behind the scenes to set up a hard line government in Iraq. Earlier today, General Tommy Franks touched on that during testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) GENERAL TOMMY FRANKS, CENTRAL COMMAND: I believe that there continue to be efforts by Iran, by Tehran, to influence activities inside Iraq. (END VIDEO CLIP)

NAUERT: Throughout the war, U.S. officials warned that the Iranian government not meddle in Iraqi affairs, but some reports indicate that clerics at Iranian religious schools aren't listening at all. James Phillips has studied the region for years. He says indoctrinating and exporting students who have extreme views is simply a part of a much bigger plan.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JAMES PHILLIPS, HERITAGE FOUNDATION: Iranians are training students to return to Iraq because they see themselves as the vanguard of a worldwide Islamic revolution. And there modus operandi is to take young Islamic scholars and radicalize them in their classes, in their religious schools and then send them back to their home countries to help radicalize the population and try to replicate an Islamic revolution in those home countries. (END VIDEO CLIP)

NAUERT: And during these uncertain times, experts fear that Iraqis might be more open to radical Islamic inroads and not supportive of attacks on U.S. troops, but they also say Iraqis won't necessarily support a religious government modeled after Iran. During the war with Iraq, U.S. officials were, for the most part, satisfied with the behavior of the government of Iran, particularly regarding the long border region between the two countries. Unlike Syria, Iran didn't allow large numbers of fleeing Iraqis to cross into Iran and seek haven there. There is, of course, constant reassessment of Iran's role in the region, especially in the turmoil that's followed at the official end of operation Iraqi freedom - John.

GIBSON: Heather, thank you very much, Heather. Coming up on THE BIG STORY, President Bush is in Africa to promote his $15 billion plan to fight aids, but criticism over the Iraq war threatens to drown out the message. We're live with the president in South Africa. One of those critics, Bianca Jagger. She's using a controversy over faulty intelligence to fuel her attacks on the war. She will join us here live. And should a foreign law affect the way our Supreme Court decides a case -- Judge?

JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO, FOX NEWS SENIOR JUDICIAL ANALYST: John, one would think not, but the dispute is bubbling over in the Texas sodomy case. And we'll talk about it.

GIBSON: All right, that's coming up. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) AUDIO/VIDEO GAP)

GIBSON: ... United states Supreme Court. And they are starting to look outside of U.S. law to make their decisions?

NAPOLITANO: Well, there's two ways to answer that question. One is to tell you no because this is the first time that a decision of a foreign European court in the post-World War II era, of a European court, has been cited as precedent by the U.S. Supreme Court. Now to shake you up a little bit, five of the United States Supreme Court justices as we speak are in Florence, Italy, conferring with the drafters of the European Union constitution and exchanging ideas. I don't think you have to worry about any of that seeping in. There's actually a lot of U.S. Supreme Court precedent saying, we don't care what other countries think. We're going to write our own laws.

GIBSON: Judge Andrew Napolitano, thank you for that note of defiance.

NAPOLITANO: You're welcome.

GIBSON: Time now for a Belgian waffle. We've talked before about a war crimes law in Belgian being used to target world leaders like President Bush and like Tony Blair. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld has warned that law might force NATO to move out of Brussels. Now Belgian's newly elected government is promising some changes that will make it impossible to abuse the war crimes law for political purpose like opposing the war in Iraq and trying to punish American policy makers who the Belgians disagree with. See, they can wise up if they think about it.

Coming up on THE BIG STORY, a microchip used to keep track of inventory could be used to keep track of you, at least that's what somebody says. I don't believe it. It has people concerned about big brother. Plus, Bianca Jagger may have more anti-war ammunition and it comes from the White House itself. She will be here to explain.


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